Steel Body Power Press Fixed & Inclinable.
Frame :
Clutch :
Crack Shaft
The frame is of all steel construction, fabricated from steel plates with suitable cross ribbings. Presses upto 30 ton will be supplied with C.I. legs. Above 30 ton presses will be supplied with double C. Above 40 ton presses will come with steel legs. Proper alignment of the frame is ensured by machining of the cut steel plates before welding.
The clutch is of pin/rolling key type. The clutch is rigid and well supported. The clutch gives continuous stroke for mass production.
Properly sized flywheel is made of high grade cast iron & is balanced for storing and releasing adequate energy for the pressing operations.
Table & Ram :
Inclining Mechanism :
Table and Ram are made of heavy duty graded cast iron FG 250 & seasoned. They are perfectly aligned to each other to obtain quality pressings.LubricationAn efficient shot lubrication system has been provided for lubricating the sliding surface and moving parts. The lubrication upto 50 ton is achieved through oil cup. Above 50 ton is achieved through Hand Pump.
Inclinable type presses are provided with inclining mechanism which can be easily set and locked in position. The press is so designed that even in maximum inclined position, it is stale under heavy pressing loads.
Technical Specifications :